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CZ P10 Rear Slide Plate Installation Guide: Step-by-Step Instructions

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Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Customizing your CZ P10 pistol is not just about improving functionality; it’s also about making your firearm uniquely yours. One of the easiest and most impactful upgrades is CZ slide cover installation. Whether you’re aiming for a personalized look or need to swap out a worn part, this CZ slide plate installation guide will walk you through the process, step by step.

CZ Pistol with Rear Slide Plate

Tools and Materials Needed

  • Replacement rear slide plate (we recommend NDZ Performance rear slide plates for their quality and precision fit)
  • Small flathead screwdriver
  • Punch tool or Glock disassembly tool
  • Soft cloth or mat
  • Safety glasses

Safety First

Before we get started with this CZ P10 slide cover installation, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page about safety:

  1. Ensure the firearm is unloaded:
    • Remove the magazine.
    • Rack the slide to check for any remaining ammunition in the chamber.
    • Physically and visually inspect the chamber to confirm it is empty.
    • Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from any spring-loaded parts that might accidentally fly out during the process.

Step-by-Step CZ P10 Slide Plate Installation

  1. Disassemble the Slide:
    • Lock the slide back using the slide stop lever.
    • Verify once again that the chamber is empty.
    • Release the slide forward by pulling back slightly and disengaging the slide stop.
    • Align the disassembly notches and push out the slide stop lever from the frame.
  2. Remove the Slide from the Frame:
    • Once the slide stop lever is removed, gently slide the entire slide assembly off the front of the frame.
  3. Locate the Rear Slide Plate:
    • The rear slide plate is situated at the back end of the slide, securing the striker assembly (or firing pin assembly) and other internal components.
  4. Depress the Striker Assembly:
    • Using a small flathead screwdriver or punch tool, gently depress the striker assembly, which is located under the rear slide plate.
  5. Remove the Existing Rear Slide Plate:
    • While holding down the striker assembly, carefully slide the rear slide plate downwards and off the slide. Be mindful of any springs or small parts that might be under tension.
  6. Install the New Rear Slide Plate:
    • Align the new rear slide plate with the grooves on the back of the slide.
    • Depress the striker assembly again and slide the new plate upwards into place until it clicks securely. Ensure it sits flush with the slide and there are no gaps.
  7. Reassemble the Slide onto the Frame:
    • Align the slide with the frame rails and carefully slide it back onto the frame.
    • Align the disassembly notches and reinsert the slide stop lever.
  8. Function Check:
    • Rack the slide several times to ensure smooth operation.
    • Dry fire the pistol (with the chamber still verified as empty) to confirm the striker is functioning correctly.
    • Reinsert the magazine to complete the reassembly.


And that’s it! You’ve successfully completed the CZ P10 slide cover installation. This little upgrade not only boosts your firearm’s look but also keeps it running smoothly. Regular maintenance and customization can significantly extend the life and functionality of your firearm.

For more tips and visual guides, check out NDZ Performance’s YouTube channel. If you hit any snags during the installation, our customer support team is always ready to help.

Join the Conversation

We’d love to see your customizations! Share your experience and photos of your upgraded CZ pistol on our social media channels. Tag us with #NDZPerformance and show off your personalized firearm.

Looking for a quality replacement? Check out the NDZ CZ P10 Rear Slide Plate Aspis Cut for a perfect fit and enhanced performance. Check out our blog post guide on firearm customization.

Stay safe, and happy shooting!

NDZ Performance is a leading manufacturer of high-quality firearm accessories and parts, specializing in custom laser engraving and precision-crafted components for popular brands like CZ, Glock, Sig Sauer, and more. Visit our website to explore our extensive range of products and find the perfect upgrades for your firearm.

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